This tutorial was created for Photo Impact7
I like lots of room so my canvas is always set on
347 X 320. You can crop the first frame when you are done and then duplicate.

Perry Gothic - Size 50
You can choose to use any font you prefer but for the purpose of this tutorial will use what I started out with. :O)
Start placing your beads or gems.
You can start anywhere you feel comfortable with on the text. You want to try and keep a nic curve as you add your beads.
You will now add a second layer of text.
After you have finished placing all your beads and are pleased with their placement,  add a second layer of your text by making sure the text is selected, ctrl D then right click and uncheck the shadow box.  You don't want a shadow on the second layer of text.
You will now convert your text.
You will need to convert your text in order to erase the parts where you want to expose the bead.
Select object, convert object type, from text path to image. Now you can begin to start erasing parts of the letters.
Now you can see where the beads weave in and out.
I use my eraser set on 12, straight up and down, 0 transparency and 0 soft edge.
Add you favorite bauble or pendant at the end.
Now you will want to duplicate it twice, giving you 3 frames to add sparkles to. I add a sparkle to every third bead (you should have 2 beads with no sparkle between each sparkle) 1st frame I start at the first bead, 2nd frame at the 3rd and 3rd frame at the 2nd.
Completed example of my Namebeads
This is the completed set of Namebeads and you can use your imagination to make it any way you want by using beads, precious gems, etc. and your own pendants. *hugs*